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How is the payment process?
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Feverik Neuling
Anmeldedatum: 30.10.2023 Beiträge: 32
Verfasst am: 15.04.2024, 07:56 Titel: How is the payment process? |
Hello everyone, who can explain to me how the payment process takes place in the online store, with the help of which programs are processed online payments? |
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Verfasst am: Titel: http://www.forum-piercing.de |
Folgende Piercing aus Echtgold kann man im Piercing Shop kaufen
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Cledef Neuling
Anmeldedatum: 30.10.2023 Beiträge: 26
Verfasst am: 15.04.2024, 18:31 Titel: |
Hello, without the ability to pay online, you will lose many potential buyers who will go to competitors, and Google will refuse to show your ads, at least in the "Purchases" section, where the warmest audience is. If we add to this the simplification of accounting, then there will be no reason to refuse the integration of the payment system at all! Currently pay admit is one of the most suitable payment systems for online businesses. |
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